I have the WORST luck, and things always happen to me!
This morning was a little traumatic. It involved A LOT of blood and me in an ambulance on oxygen, with an IV in each arm going to the hospital.
Now let me tell the story, it's so dumb and if your not into the TMI, well then it's not for you. But you should suck it up and read it anyways because it's worth it, plus I NEED to document this.
First let me say. The baby is ok! Before I scare you and make you worry too much.
I was going to jump in the shower this morning to get ready to take Kyla to school as it had been a couple days of not showering, I needed one badly. As I was stepping over the side of the tub to get in, (one leg in and one leg out) I slipped. Not sure how, but I fell hard. Pretty much got kicked in the hoo-ha with the side of the tub. (So I was straddling it, if you don't get it) It hurt like a mother! I ended up on the floor of the tub with the water running on me. I was yelling in so much pain. I stood up and saw blood, everywhere! Pouring out of me.
I started freaking out. Screamed for Kyla, and told her to get me the phone but also tried to stay calm. Of course she was terrified because of all the blood, but I kept trying to talk to her and tell her I was ok. She freaks when there is blood anytime, so I knew she was worried. I tried to figure out what to do because it was bleeding, alot, and not stopping and I didn't know where the blood was coming from, since I can't see past the belly, that didn't help, so I knew I had to call 911. So I did. The lady said not to move. Well I was totally naked holding a towel on my "area" to try and stop the bleeding so I told Kyla to pass me my shirt and to take the girls to her room to play, so she did. But I had to get the front door unlocked for the paramedics and it was too frozen for Kyla, so I had to go downstairs. I threw on my shirt and walked downstairs, still holding the towel on it, while frantically calling people to come watch my kids and Dustin of course who didn't answer, so I text him. I called a couple friends and no one was answering! Luckily the paramedics came in the door (they were fast!) and my friend Becky called back thank goodness, I told her to come over quick, so she said she'd be right over. Dustin also called right then and I just told him I fell and i'm bleeding and i'm going to the hospital and to come there. He left work immediately.
The paramedics wanted to make sure I didn't hit my head or anything and checked my blood pressure and I was ok, so they got me on a stretcher and told me that a couple of them would wait with the kids till Becky came. So I told them to go get Kyla so I could talk to her before we left. She came down and the poor thing looked so scared, as i'm laying on a stretcher ready to go to the hospital. So I told her i'm ok, and I have to go to the doctor, and she started crying but I could tell she was trying to be so brave. I felt so bad. She was so good though and Becky walked in the door right as we pulled away in the ambulance.
SO i'm in the ambulance and they had the blood pressure thing on me, and all of the sudden I got really light headed and my blood pressure dropped to 80 over 2o-something. They grabbed the IV and Oxygen and were trying to get some fluids in me. Then they decided to do a second IV in my other arm. I was so out of it, and all I could hear was "Mindy keep your eyes open." It was crazy. I must have lost a lot of blood.
Anyways we got to the hospital and I was doing a little better, my blood pressure came up and the IV's kept stopping and wouldn't keep flowing, but I was ok so they got me up to maternity and turned me over to them.
Dustin showed up minutes later. The baby was ok thank goodness, moving and everything, no contractions and the heart rate was good. So yay for that. I was releived. Just the thought of being a week too early to deliver here and having to be flown out etc etc. But I didn't freak out and didn't want to worry until I knew what was going on.
Well the doctor came in and checked me, I wasn't bleeding anymore since I didn't take the towel off the entire time. She wanted to make sure everything was ok internally and find out where I was bleeding from and turns out.... I had an inch tear on my labia. Yep I ripped myself open. Which I kind of figured I did because I could feel it. But of course I was worried about the baby, because any kind of fall when pregnant that ends up in bleeding, can be scary. I wasn't too worried though and could tell it was on the outside because it hurt, and stung and I remembered that feeling from after delivering Kyla. They didn't stitch me because it was already closing on it's own and they didn't want to put me through the pain of it all.
So I feel like an idiot.
You know, it's just one of those common things, where you fall and rip your va-j-j open and bleed everywhere and end up in the hospital!! My sisters like, "your so stupid!" ha.
What a freak accident and of course it had to happen to me and yes i'm blogging about it. So i'm in pain and can't move. I feel like I just had a baby trying to heal, but have no baby!
I hope this helps other women out there and brings some awareness and prevents it from happening to them. Just kidding. I have to laugh now because I always have these things happen to me! It could have been so much worse and i'm so lucky. Let's pray for no more drama for the next few weeks.
Only me right?
Ok, now you can laugh.
Holy cow Mindy.
My va-j-j hurt just reading about the tear in yours. I'm sorry. Way to go Kyla for being so strong and such a brave girl! Only a few more weeks. Relax. :)
Holy smokes. I think that was mostly scary. I guess it's a little funny knowing that you're ok!
Oh that sucks!! Glad every things o.k. and I hope you get all healed up before you have to delivery your baby... I must admit I was laughing at the end after I knew you and baby were both fine.
lol I must agree, Reading this almost made me feel the pain more than when you called me lol (of course knowing what tearing is like from Laynie ha) So good though that everything is ok! Can't wait for baby! yay!
Oh no Mindy you POOR thing! Holy cow! I was not laughing, I was petrified reading it! Glad to hear you are okay! Hey, it's perfectly normal to not have balance when you are pregnant, especially towards the end. Take care honey, and maybe don't take a shower until the baby comes. Just kidding! Ha, ha, ha!
Your poor crotch, really! My goodness, twins... a bathtub holy smokes. Get lots of rest and keep your feet up. Poor you :)
MINDY! Oh my goodness. Not funny! Okay, kind of funny now I know everything is okay. :) Holy crap. No more showering till your baby comes! :)
Oh my gosh!! Not funny at all. OUCH!!!!! I am so sorry to hear. Sheesh. Of all the luck. Like you said. A big ole rip and no baby yet to show for it. Not fun. I feel so bad for Kyla too. She is such a brave little girl. Glad to hear that your baby is okay and that you will be okay too. No broken bones. Okay Mindy...rest up and no more showers for awhile. ; D
Thanks for posting this. I'm sure it was an aweful experience, but I'm gald you are confident enough to share it so we can have a chuckle..and hope it NEVER happens to us:) Seriously though, have a happy, uneventful rest of your pregnancy!
haha raising awareness.. I'll be sure to not slip on the way into she shower. You poor thing though. And poor Kyla! I can only imagine how freaked she must have been! So glad everything with baby is okay though!! Love you lots!
K I felt fainty just reading this, I can't imagine how u must have felt! lol but i'm glad you're ok and nothing serious happened! stop scaring us like that! and take it easy woman! xoxo
Mindy! haha! That is the most terrifying funniest thing ever! I'm really glad your ok. Poor Kyla! Shes such a big girl! Hope you feel better and heal before the baby comes!
I feel bad that I'm laughing so hard. . . man, you seriously have all the luck, eh? But OUCH. Seriously. . . while laughing, I'm also tensing up down there! lol.
Seriously the best story!! I only laughed at the end though ;) Glad the baby is ok and so are you...
okay holy crap. that sounds like it would hurt like a mother... hope it heals before baby...;) ha tell dustin to back off guess he gets more than 6 weeks off... hee hee. good luck with baby!
okay so mine's the only dirty post... but oh well i knew you really really good in high school;) trent's car...;) and everyone else was totally thinking it just too shy to say it!
Oh man, that sounds painful! Glad you are okay! Hope this doesn't make your labor any more painful and that you heal quickly!!! Not fair for you at all!
Randomly reading blogs and this pops up for a little light reading to go with my afternoon coffee...
Thanks for the horrifying yet funny story! Glad you're okay! =)
Oh you poor thing!!! This sounds so traumatic and scary so kudos to you for being so brave and fabulous. Thinking of you in this last week of your pregnancy! Will it be a boy or a girl or do you guys not know yet?!?! Eeeep!!
YOW-ZAH! LOL, you poor girl. I am glad you and baby are ok! You are a great story-teller, hahaha.
So glad to hear that you are okay! That sounds painful! Love you minnn!!!!
I'm glad you are ok! And of course it happens when we go away. I have to say I agree with lindsay... no more showering until the baby comes!!! I'm so proud of Kyla for being such a big girl. She was telling me about it on the way to school today. Just a few more weeks till this baby is here! Yay!
Wow you really do have the worst luck, but at least it wasn't as bad as it could of been Thank God for that!
Wow, that's a good story!
Bad, but good.
Sorry you fell, glad you and the baby are okay.
Take it easy women!
I love it!!! Caitlin read me this blog late at night two nights ago, and I still randomly break out laughing during the day, but only because you are technically okay! I shared the story with a friend here too! MINDY, i love you, i love that you wrote labia on your blog, and I pray that everything goes awesome from this incident on!!!! MOVE TO GRANDE PRAIRIE
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