Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dreams do come true

Tell me. What do you see in this picture?
(Besides the clutter in the corner)

good guess.

why is it empty?


I got THIS!!!!


yes, I am SO yelling at you!!

Do you know what this means? Well refer to the first picture if you don't. I actually have a counter, and an empty sink and time to do other crap besides the dreaded dishes EVERYDAY!!

I have gone 5 out of the 6 years we've been married, without a dishwasher! The only time we had one was in our condo in Okotoks and we only lived there a year. Our renters get to enjoy it now. When we moved into this place there was a hole in the wall for one, but they didn't supply it. Gay. I debated, a lot, whether we should waste the money on one without knowing how long we were going to be here for and it only being a rental. So I talked myself out of it for over 2 years now. I'm crazy, I now know this.

So this last month, that was it. I was NOT going to be pregnant and doing dishes ALL day for 5 people!! They add up dangit! I'm either doing them for 1/2 hour to an hour once a day, or constantly after every meal to keep up. So I no longer cared about the money or how much longer we were going to be in this place. I couldn't stand at that dang counter any longer and wash dishes. I also had to come to a decision when I thought, "what is the one thing that would make my life a lot easier right now?" I instantly knew. So, I did it. I looked all week on kijiji and finally found this one, 2 years old and they asked $100, Dustin said to offer them $75, so I did and they said YES! The best $75 I have EVER spent! I never thought this day would come. I am a WAY happier person now and life is AWESOME!! AWESOME I SAY!!!

SO, never give up your dreams PEOPLE

Miracles happen!!!

and we've witnessed one right here.

Can I get a hallelujah?!!?!?!


Dustin, Rachelle & Jaxon Ririe said...

Seriously... how did you LIVE without one!? When Dustin and I were first married we didn't have one either and it was ridiculous how the dishes would pile up with just TWO people. Congrats on your new time-saving, no... LIFE-saving purchase!

Ryan RoxAnn Erica and Aubrey said...

Mindy you are soo funny! I'm very thankful for mine too! Koodos to you for not having one for so long. Can you take it with you when you move from WB? I bet you can it's yours!

The Pratts said...

Woohoo! Congrats, i seriously can't believe you survived without one this long with 3 kids! And ya, make sure you take it with you when you move!!! (Or sell it for $75 on Kijiji)

henline crew said...

I love dishwashers!!!! Good job getting an awesome deal!!!

Jordana said...

That is SOOO exciting!! Gibb and I also went 5 years of marriage without a dishwasher (but not with 3 kids) and getting one probably saved our marriage ;)

Lynn said...

HA Ha! That is EXACTLY the same as ours. And it's our very first one too. Got it after 11 freaking years of being married without one. ; D

So I totally hear ya. You'll love it. I am sure you already do. Cause I do.

Lyndsay said...

I'm am so happy for you!!! I can't even keep up with my dishes and I have always had a dishwasher!!!!

Kinsey said...

I'm so excited for you!! There's only two of us and dishes are awful without one. I am soooo excited to get into our new house in the next couple of weeks! I may just pack my dishes over there to wash before we move in.

kyleandtaryn said...

Funny that when I read the title of this I was like "this must be a dishwasher post!" I'm super excited for you. Our DW isn't working great right now so I'm hoping for a miracle of my own soon. :) Enjoy!

Ashley said...

congrats! That is really exciting. A little more "free time" on your hands. Enjoy!

Mindi said...

Congrats on the's a treasured item, that's for sure!

Carla said...

Oh I am so excited for you!!! I HATE dishes, loathe them, cry at the thought of them (and yes there is a sink full and a counter full of dirty dishes and I am NOT doing them cause I am whiney
Hubby bought me a dishewasher but has YET to pick it after seeing yours I am gonna light a fire under his hiney...
