Tuesday, February 08, 2011

30 weeks

For those of you who still don't know the latest situation with the baby and our hospital trip, read the previous post.

And as promised, here is the ginormous belly. I just tell myself it's because i'm short so it all has to go out. This is probably the last day in a long time i'll be ready and look decent so I figured i'd take it today. I decided to shower today to make myself feel better to go out to the hospital again for my shot. It's a good thing I can get ready sitting down the entire time. Oh ignore the puffy exhausted eyes. Obviously it's been a rough couple days.

For those of you who have left comments and sent messages so far, thank you so much. I cry while reading every single one. I am grateful for amazing people like you, and it means the world to me.


Amy said...

You are so cute and tiny! Good luck on bed rest. Try to enjuy yourself read, relax and keep growing that little baby.
p.s. Love the blonde

Victoria said...

Hey Mindy!! We are thinking about you guys and keeping you in our prayers. We know how scary this all can be and hopefully everything will go well. Love you

Amie said...

You are looking amazing Mindy! But you always look great-pregnant or not. Love you tons!

The Harker Family said...

You are not huge at all! Trust me! That is just a wee belly for 30 weeks! On and you are so skinny that your belly has no place else to go! You look absolutely beautiful. Oh and I love your blonde hair that you went back to!!!!!

The Harker Family said...

"Oh", not "On". Ha, ha, ah!

Ashley said...

You look fabulous! And you have such a cute little belly. I don't see any puffiness...

Purnell Family said...

You are Beautiful Mindy!!! You've got a lot on your plate, for now just relax (as much as you can and allow others the oppurtunity to serve you, one day you'll be able to return the favor to someone else) Keep up the positive attitude!! Sending our love from down here in Idaho.

{Sarah} said...

Oh my heavens! I just read your last blog post! I am so sorry that you have all this going on. You look amazing! Heavenly Father is obviously giving you this trial for a reason... hang in there. I am so glad you have friends and family who can help. I wish I lived closer and could give you a hand, I would more than willingly take your girls for a "play date". Hang in there, and know that 5 weeks is nothing in the long run! Love ya!

the fellers said...

First of all, I cant believe I didnt comment before now...but then I Remembered I read your last post on my phone, and didnt want to comment on that thing, so I was going to get on my computer and do it, and I never did. Second of all, Puffy eyes? I dont see any puffy eyes, and you look SO cute....and third....MINDY! I am so sorry for what you are going through. You are such a strong woman, and I am glad you are going to have some help. Sometimes we just have to learn to accept help from others, and you sound like you are. Just think of all the people that you have helped, and how blessed the people that are helping you will be, think of it as you are still helping others, because you are allowing them to receive the blessings of giving service. You are so lucky to have a great husband and from the sounds of it, great GREAT kids...they are all so cute. I know it is so hard right now, but you make dang cute babies, so it will all be worth it in the end, and after it is all done, it will seem like no time at all, although I know right now it seems like forever. I hope you are feeling ok, and really are taking it easy! I remember a post you did a long time ago where Kyla was doing the dishes, just let her do them now! haha...have a great day!

palegreensocks said...

Oh my Mindy.... you are definitely ALL BOY! So excited for you and your almost family of 6. Things always work out the way they are supposed to. Hope you make it close to full term. Kick yo feet up girl. Everything will be okay.


Anonymous said...

I just started reading your posts, you have such a cute cute family. Your beautiful pregnant! You're in my prayers and I hope all is well on your bed rest!
Stay happy!
Cor. 2:6 "...be strong in your faith, as you have been taught, and always be thankful.."
Stay strong!

Meagan M said...

You look great!! You're belly's not huge by ay means. BUT I do know what you mean. Our belly's are the same (when I'm pregant that is) because mine get BIG too! I think it's something to do with having twins, because now your body thinks it needs to get just as big as it did last time - but it doesn't! Plus your soooo tiny to start with that there really is no where for it to go but out!

You do look fabulous though!

Meagan M said...

ok...spelling mistakes galore in my post. That 2nd sentence should read:

Your belly's not huge by any means.
