Kyla's birthday is today! My big girl is 4 and I feel like I just had her. I remember waking up the morning after having her in the hospital and they wheeled her into my room right beside my bed and I remember thinking how it was all real and that she was really here. I had her at 8:22pm the night before but by the time everything was done it was almost midnight and I had 20 hours of hard labour from the start so I was wiped. They offered to take her to the nursery for the night and I was definitely
ok with that since I needed the sleep, bad. I couldn't even function after I was so tired. (Those who have been in labour know what I mean).
She was an amazing baby and so happy all the time. She was very smart and she took EVERYTHING in and remembered it. She was/is like a sponge. She was talking very clearly at 2 and could say anything you wanted her to repeat. Now she is the exact same way, remembers everything you show her. She can spell lots of words, even write them. Writes and knows all her letters and numbers. She can tell time. Loves to sing and dance, she makes up her own songs all the time. She will bring things up from forever ago, like a year or more, and she'll say "remember when...?" I'm like what? How the heck do you remember that? I tell ya this kid is way smart and never ceases to amaze us with what she says. She loves her little sisters and is one protective big sister of them. She loves to help them learn things, and she is always trying to get them to copy words and stuff. She loves to help them do anything and I am so lucky to have her here to help me. She cleans, loves to bake, and tries to do dishes (of course, I have to redo them after). She is hilarious and is constantly making us laugh. She loves Dora of course, Hannah Montana, Barbie, Princess anything, Twilight (this is for real.) I asked her yesterday,
"guess what movie we are going to watch?!" (Being Alice in wonderland)
and she goes, "Twilight!" all excited.
I'm not
opposed to that idea. We watch it a lot. Well New Moon, not
Twilight, but to her there all the same name. Crazy kid. I love her.
So there are just a few reasons why we love Kyla.
Dustin had to work this weekend but he took yesterday off for her party. So we decided to also do Easter yesterday morning so he could be here. The girls all got Dora chocolate faces and some other stuff we hid around to find. We didn't go crazy and that is a good thing. We all know who is going to end up eating
Jayci and Presley's candy anyways.... me. I'm kind of anal about feeding my kids junk, especially when they are younger. So they'll get a few things but not too much.
Her party was awesome and everything was perfect. I have been planning it for a while. There were definitely things I would have loved to add to it
for sure but of course planning it by myself and not having a ton of
mullah to do it, I made do. Dustin starts school in like 3 weeks! So we are saving for that. Well she invited 5 friends but one went out of town for the weekend, but it was perfect. They had so much fun and Kyla got spoiled. As you all know it was an Alice in wonderland tea party. I wish I would have pulled the new
alice in wonderland into it more and I would of made it more crazy, but it is for a 4 year old so I kinda kept it more "pretty".
Ok be prepared for lots of pictures, I will try and keep it minimal. We did take over 200.
finding easter treats
All their findings. Oh we also got them my little pony's. We always got a little present with our easter stuff growing up so I want to keep that little tradition.
Birthday Breakfast~ another tradition. Pancakes with "only whip cream and not strawberries" was the request, and orange juice of course.
Birthday Girl! All ready for her party.
This is the dress I made her. I wanted to do a twist on Alice for her, so this is what I did.
It all worked out really well being my first real dress
i've ever made.
She loves it too.
Leela, Jayna, Kyla, Emma, and Erica
tea time!
sippin on some tea, they loved it and
i'm glad Dustin was on pouring duty because those cups are small, and they loved to drink the "Tea" (lemonade)
We also had little sandwiches and cookies that said "eat me" on them.
Some pom pom decor
playing pin the smile on the "
Cheshire cat"
She and Jayna tied for being the closest.
Not too shabby for 4 year
olds. I wanted to find a poster of the cat but of
course didn't, so I ended up drawing and coloring my own.
Jill came to help. She is sitting with her best friends of course. They love Auntie Jill.
Thanks for your help!
Opening presents
Alice in Wonderland! Good thing it came out 3 days ago! I was kind of freaking out since this is the only thing she wanted.
Some other presents from friends
All her stuff! She got spoiled. We also got her a camera and some "K" letter earrings.
My cake!
Well Kyla's cake, but it's kind of mine because I made it.
She loved that they had to sing TO her.
She looks so old in this picture and it's too cute.
Can't forget about them! Eating some cake.
Cousins and
BFF'sDoing the craft. It was butterflies to go in flower pots. I couldn't find little flower pots for them, so I told them they have to tell their dad's to buy their mom some flowers and then they can put their butterfly in them.
They did start out with different colors, but mixing them was more fun for most of them.
Crafty little
The girls in their Easter dresses.
Happy Easter!
It was a big day for someone. She knows how to party.
So I am quite glad that is over, as much as I LOVED planning it. I feel like I have to do nothing now and it's nice. Well for another week or so, then I have to plan Jayci and Presley's birthday. I still have no idea what to do for it. We'll see!
Happy Birthday Kyla!
Happy Easter!