Friday, July 17, 2009

Kyla's "day surgery"

It sounds worse than it was. She had to get some dental work done on some cavities but they do it at the hospital here in day surgery. She doesn't have very strong teeth so she is prone to cavities easily. She did so well. Except she didn't want to put the hospital gown on, that was a fight. She won that fight and they didn't care, they just changed her after she was out. They had to put her out to do them, so they take her away of course screaming because we can't come. Wrap her in a blanket and put the mask on to knock her out. Then they give her an IV. I think it was all of 15 seconds we heard her screaming for. We couldn't stay so I took Dustin to work since it was 8am and I went to wal-mart a block away. It took over an hour to do. I came back and she came out about 10 minutes after I got there. She did pretty good waking up, she threw up a couple times, but that's normal. She's doing great now and loves her sparkly teeth! She had to get 8 fillings!! No more sugar for this girl! He even put a few sealants on some other teeth too protect them better. Anyways here are some pics of her first trip to the hospital.

Before. Super excited and has no idea whats coming! All she knows is she is getting sparkly teeth like Emma!

After. waking up still.
Still pretty drowsy.


Ashley said...

Poor girl! That would be rough to have "soft" teeth. Sounds like she's going to have to brush her teeth at least 5 times a day! Ha! Glad she made it through okay ;)

The Anderson Family said...

Yay Kyla good girl! Emma is excited that you have sparkly teeth like her. Can't wait to see them!

Mindi said...

Aw, that's sad, but ya know, next time she needs dental work you've been through it!

The Pratts said...

Aw, what a big ordeal! I'll have to ask her to show me her sparkly teeth niext time I see her!

Lynn said...

Awww.......poor Kyla. I wish they would knock ME out when I have my dental check ups.....well......maybe not....then I would miss my chance to see my dentist. He is SO cute! LOL!

Glad that things went okay for Kyla!

{Sarah} said...

Awww... poor girl!

I have to admit I am soooooo greatful you posted this. Brighton has to be "put under" to have his cavities filled as well. Not sure how many there are - at least 2 or 3. I was feeling like a horrid parent that my kiddo had cavities and I have had none. Glad to know that it can just be a "kid thing" and that it isn't something weird I am doing. Although we have been pretty good about brushing AND FLOSSING since we found out. His "surgery" will be in a week or two. Glad to know things went well. Did you have to pay for it? They told us that if it went under an hour we had to pay $850 for the annesthetic... YIKES!!!!!!!!! I might have to use the "sparkly teeth" on Brighton... I wasn't sure how I was going to tell him in a nice way! Glad everything went good though!

The Harker Family said...

Oh poor Kyla! Glad to hear she did well. I must say that these pics brought up horrible memories for me. Camden has had 6 surgeries (yes, that's right, 6 surgeries) for his tear ducts (1 surgery), and the rest (5 surgeries) for tubes in his ears. It is no fun. I remember exactly what it is like when they take them away screaming. Poor you- I sympathize. I'm happy though that she now has sparkly white teeth. Yay!

kelsey said...

aw, i hate the waking up part--- they are so out of it!

Unknown said...

That's sad! Houston has horrible teeth too, I think they get it from me! He has to go in as soon as i go back to Raymond. I thought i was teh only one with a bad teeth kid! makes me feel a little better. One question did they have to put any crowns on?

Tim and Ashlee said...

Oh man! Poor little Kyla! Glad she did so well.
