Tuesday, April 01, 2008
A little Scare
You never think it'll happen to you but it did to us and we were very lucky it didn't turn out worse. It all started last Wednesday, we were hanging out at Jill and Travis's and I didn't really feel right all day but I started to get cramping in my lower abdomen in the evening at about 9:00, it gradually got worse and I decided I needed to just go to bed, I went to the bathroom and it started to get stronger, it felt like menstrual cramps and not small ones. Dustin was with me the whole time and thought I just needed to go to bed, so I tried getting into bed but I got really nautious and didn't feel right. We decided to go to the hospital at about midnight. They got me on the monitors and told me the doctor would see me again in the morning, cuz everything was ok when the doctor checked me when we first got there. so I sent Dustin home to get a good sleep. Well a couple hours later the nurse came in and said I was having regular contractions, she grabbed the doctor and she checked me again and I was dialated 1cm and my cervix was softening. I was in labour. She quickly decided to fly me to Edmonton, she went and phoned them but they were full so they decided to send me to Calgary where if these babies were going to be born they could be in high NICU care. Seeing as I was only 24 weeks. I called Dustin right away and told him to pack a bag for us and get to the hospital cuz they were going to have me out of there within half an hour. He got there on time and in the airplane we went, I was on a stretcher and Dustin sat beside me. I was really nausious the whole time, it was miserable. I was puking every 10 minutes with nothing in me. It was brutal. We got the the hospital in Calgary and I had 2 doctors come in to see me. The contractions stopped before we even got into the plane. They gave me a steroid shot and hooked me up to IV for fluids and gave me a couple other things which in all I think stopped the contractions. They kept me on monitors for a couple days and checked on me all the time. I had an ultrasound which confirmed the funneling of the cervix which isn't normal. It was confusing for a few days on what they wanted to do with me. They didn't want to send me home to Fort Mcmurray cuz they don't have the NICU care for the babies here, they atually were thinking of keeping me for 6-8 weeks. Monday morning came and the doctor came in to see me and said if the ultrasound had no change from when we first got there I could go home on bedrest. Dustin was with me the whole time and it was so hard being away from Kyla for that long. She stayed up in Fort Mac with Dustins family. The hardest part was thinking I would have to stay for weeks without family or anything. Dustin had to come back home to work so we needed to make a decision. Luckily the ultrasound came back and nothing had changed so they sad I could go home. I was so happy cuz it would of been so hard not seeing Dustin or Kyla for a week at a time, although I had to consider the babies if they did come. I just had a calming feeling the whole time, and honestly Dustin and I both felt that everything was going to be ok. Poor Jill had a harder time I think than we did. She had her first baby at 26 weeks and he past away when he was 20 days old, he was 2lbs 5oz. So she has been through this and didn't want us to go through the same thing they did. They have been a great support for us. All of our family has. I'm so glad we have the good friends and family we do that we can count on at times like this. That is our story of our latest challenge. I am now at home in Fort Mac on bedrest and really I can't do nothing, I have the help of Jill thankfully and Dustin works close by if anything goes wrong. I am supposed to go for weekly stress tests at the hospital to make sure everything is ok, which is good. But I hope thats the only scare we have for the rest of this pregnancy.
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OH MY GOSH MINDY!!! I'm glad everything turned out OK. I sure do remember hearing about Jill's experience as I worked with her mother in law at a dental office in lethbridge. That was very hard for them I'm sure. Well listen to the doctor and stay on bed rest ;) I will keep you guys in our prayers. Keep us up to date.
OH MY HECK!! I went into labour with Austin at 27 weeks. Luckily they were able to stop it. It is so scary. Listen to the doctor and stay on bedrest. It is sooooo hard, but if you went into labour it would be so hard on those little babies. I had to keep telling myself that 10 weeks wasn't a long time, if it ment that he could live a long healthy life. We will keep you in our prayers. Keep us updated. I wish you lived closer so we could give you a hand! Luckily you have family up there. Hugs!
oh my gosh! I am so glad you are ok! Man, you are so much stronger then me, I would have been freaking out, and it must have been so much harder being away from Kyla! Oh my gosh...I am just so glad you are ok. Sounds like you have family there to help, which is great! Just stay in bed, and worry about everything AFTER the babies come, nothing is going anywhere! Man, i wish I could help you! hope you are feeling good!
Hey Mindy! I tried calling you at the hospital on monday, but I think you had already left! I am so sorry that we didn't come and see you, your dad got a hold of us on sunday evening! I am glad you are back in Fort Mac. but just take it easy! Everyday is so important for those little babes!
Glad to hear you're back home after your scare! Now keep those little babies in for a while longer, okay?
That's crazy Mindy! I'm so glad that everything turned out okay. You will be in our prayers from here on out. Good luck with the next little while!
oohh, Mindy, I'm so happy every thing is okay. That must have been so scary. We are missing you here!
Oh my, I can't believe that. I am so glad they were able to stop the labor. Bedrest would be hard but atleast you have family to help you. Let us know if you need anything, especially if you end up in Calgary again, we are just 20 minutes from the Foothills Hospital.
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