Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation

When Kyla went into Preschool I was more than excited for her, and the same as Kindergarten, but now that she is done Kindergarten, i'm not taking it so well! That day I knew I was going to cry at her little Graduation party and I did, especially in the slide show they made! They played the song "I don't wanna grow up" by Taylor Swift and ugh it took everything I had to not meltdown right there! Dustin said after he was almost going to laugh at me, but he knew i'd get mad so he didn't say anything. ha. Plus I cry at everything so he probably wasn't surprised. (Go listen to it and tell me you didn't cry, just click on the song title it'll take you to it)

She is getting so big and so smart. She is excelling in everything and really is the perfect child. She is friendly and patient and loves to help and teach others. She got the "Helping Hands Award" for her class! I was so proud. She was teaching the twins how to write their full names today and she loves teaching them. She is so in love with Laken and plays with her all the time. She loves to take care of her, I don't think she is ever annoyed of her and she always brings a smile to Kyla's face. They already have such a special bond between them, it's awesome.

Ok I had to search the song to make sure of what it was called before I blogged and it's playing while i'm blogging. BAD idea. Now i'm a wreck again.

So here is my not-so-little girls special day! We love you Kyla!

Kyla with some girl friends from class

Emma is in Kyla's class. I love that they are in things together. They are the best of friends!

Singing silly songs for the parents

Getting her Helping Hands Award! With her Teacher Mrs. Dakin.

Kyla and Mommy!

And Daddy!

Ms. Sherry

Mrs. Brake

I can't leave out my favorite part! The class made a cookbook out of their own recipes. They got to pick their favorite recipe and told how it's made. I wish I could post the whole book. I died laughing the entire time reading it. Kids are so hilarious.
This is Kyla's page.

Hilarious, right?! So Priceless.

So proud of you big girl! Love you!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The twins.

Oh these two girls. How much they have grown boggles my mind. They didn't love getting their pictures taken this night, mainly because of the bugs but we made it work and came out with a few! I just needed one for my wall and the grandparents! Next is Laken. It's supposed to be her 1 year ones but she is over 14 months old. Meh.
Anyways. I'm loving these pics and the girls in them! Enjoy!! :)

(Presley is in pink, Jayci in Grey) For some reason Presley looks so much Sassier in these. So funny because they are so much alike in real life, it's funny how they act in front of the camera. Jayci was more into than Presley so I guess that helped a bit.

 One of my favorites.


 Another favorite.

And my ultimate favorite!

ps: I'm anxiously awaiting our family pictures in the mail. I'm getting tired of seeing myself in the picture in our header, it's a year old and post baby, so I feel super sexy. These new ones so far are great! So I can't wait!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day!

This is going to be short and sweet. Well MY short and sweet, so really not short at all...

Dustin was able to have this weekend off for Father's Day. Can I get a Hallelujah?! He just finished working an 18 plus evening side jobs. So he wasn't getting home until 10pm every night. Kinda sucked. But we are grateful he has all this work so we can prepare for school!

So anyways... We made him an omelet and bacon for breakfast, went to church, came home and had smoothies and popcorn for a late lunch, hung out, opened his gifts, (I got him some new shorts and flip flops, super exciting I know) and then we had a BBQ. I marinated some steaks, had corn on the cob because he's from Taber and loves his corn on the cob, potatoes and had hot dogs for the children, since they couldn't even look at the steaks. Not sure where they got their picky-ness from.... well maybe I do, but whatever.
Oh also right before opening the gifts I had each of the girls say what they loved the most about Daddy,
We got,
"He tucks me in at night"
"He plays with us"
"He gets me food"
"He takes me to the doctor" (Jayci- she has been sick a lot with her tonsils lately and she might have to get them and her adenoids taken out, she got an x-ray done today on them and we'll find out on Friday)

Super cute.

Kyla made Dustin a paper at school, kind of like those little surveys you see and it asked what he weighed, she said 300lbs. (almost) It also asked something Dad says to you, and she put, "Let's go to bed K.Y." ....
Oh man. Remember when he used to call her KY because she was learning to spell her name and we would always say it, Dustin decided to just shorten it to KY. This was when she was like 2. So after a while I said, maybe you should stop calling her that, it doesn't sound the best. ha. So he did, and for some reason now she remembers and tells EVERYONE her nickname that her Dad calls her... So awesome. I can only imagine what her teachers think at school.
So that was our day! Low key and relaxed, which is what we never get when Dustin's off. So it was so nice. I also had a nap on the couch for him and he rubbed my feet. Such a great Father's day. I'm pretty much the best wife.

We love him and he really is the BEST Dad! How can he not be when he is still pretty much a kid! I don't think this guy will ever grow up. The girls love it. Here are some pics from the day!

Like Father Like Daughter...
Dustin says something was wrong with his eyes and he couldn't open them, I told him to suck it up.

Opening gifts

And my personal favorite...

Oh I can't forget to give a shout out to my own Dad. I love you so much, you are my favorite dad. ;) Happy Fathers Day!!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Life lessons

These past couple years have been life changing for me in many ways. I won't get into details about it all but I have had some experiences that have changed me.
Lately especially. I have been through a couple things with people and it has made me take a look at my life and what I really want and don't want.

I am a very real person and I am an open person. I am not afraid to be me. I have had a couple people lately make me feel bad about who I am, which of course makes me question it. But I realized, I like who I am! I'm happy and outgoing and love life. I have bad days, I cry, I yell when i'm angry and I make a million mistakes, and by no ways am I perfect. I am human. I am also comfortable in my own skin. I don't worry about impressing people or doing what others do. I like to be on my own and kind of do what I want. Thankfully Dustin and I are so alike in this area. We are so lucky to have such a smooth marriage when it comes to life. We agree on most things and usually have the same opinions about things. He doesn't judge who I am, and I "try" not to judge him. ;) Sometimes his happiness drives me crazy, ha. Seriously who is that positive ALL THE TIME?! But I love him. He is my number one fan and i'm his. I look up to him and his positive attitude and it has rubbed off on me. Which i'm grateful for.

There are a few things I like to live by and lately have realized how much I will try to live this way.

One is to be positive. I feel like i'm a pretty positive person but this is in a different sense. I don't let the negative AFFECT me anymore. I don't have time to waste on negative energy in my life. I don't need it. I focus on the good things. I'm blessed with my beautiful family, a great, GREAT husband and 4 beautiful little girls. That is what is important to me. And family. I realized how important family is. Sisters, inlaws, parents etc. They are the most important people in life and I know they will never judge me for who I am and I can always rely on them. I do have to write a little bit about my sister in law, Jill. She has been SO supportive of me and I really appreciate her and everything she does for me. I know she will never judge and is always there when I need her. I'm really blessed to have her in my life. Love ya Jill. :)

Second is to be NICE. Most of you know how I feel about being nice. It's SO important. I got picked on and bullied growing up and I hate how I didn't stand up for myself more, but it made me realize how important it is to be nice to people. I definitely had good friends but I had a lot of hard times with rude people. Be careful what you say to others because words hurt, and they stay with you for a long time. I was told recently that I am a selfish person. That hurt a lot. I try so hard to be a nice person and put others first and I care a lot about others feelings. I'm always willing to help and I have a hard time saying no. So to hear that was really hurtful. It's funny how something that seems so simple can be so hard for so many people.

And the third is to Have Fun! You only live once so do what you want and enjoy every day to the fullest. I went through a couple years where all I wanted was to get through another day. But now I want to ENJOY every day. I try not to let my kids hold me back from doing anything. I've been blessed with amazing kids and I want them to have a fun life, a HAPPY life. It's the simple things that count too. I'm also going to have fun for myself! Take breaks and do things on my own that I like to do. Same for Dustin. I'm going to make him stop working and have fun, play basketball, pull out his old skateboard, go fishing, hunting, quadding...etc. The list could go on for him. But we need to enjoy life before it passes us by.

Anyways these are just a few thoughts i've had going through my head for a while and I needed to get it out.
I know so many amazing people in my life, whether they live far or near, I'm grateful for every one.

I love to blog, I love to share about our family and the good or bad times we have. I'm glad I have somewhere to go to where I can write what I want and not care.
Anyways, that's my little rant for today. I'm grateful for my life and will never take it for granted.

Some of my favorites...



Sunday, June 03, 2012

Life according to my iPhone

We have been busy having fun lately! Here are pics from my phone to prove it. It's so much more convenient.

We've been going to the park. Yay! We love this weather! 
Love her scrunchy faces.

I broke my toe. Laken dropped a big water bottle on it when I was holding her. It hurt like a mother.

I bought new sunglasses. I secretly wish I had bad eyes to wear fun glasses like this. So these are GREAT!

We all walk to the bus stop to take Kyla. It wasn't windy at all this day. Reminded me of southern Alberta!

The girls have been getting creative.

Laken got to wear her dang cute new swimsuit to the spray park.

I noticed the twins hair all of the sudden looks long! Hallelujah.

Laken's got new talents.

Here are the Gelatin bubbles in the making that I was talking about. I dipped balloons in the Gelatin a few times. But they were ugly.

Park days have worn us out. This picture is the best.

Hanging out with my lover.

We have turned fighting moments into a cute picture. She was literally attacking her and fighting and I said, "Smile girls!" So they did!

We started soccer! This was the end and Presley was worn out and the sun was a little bright I guess...
They are the cutest soccer players and get to play with their cousins and i'm a total soccer mom! Even though I've never played...

And I tried to teach the twins how to ride their bikes. Not the easiest... but definitely cute and entertaining. For about 20 minutes. Then we all gave up.

So that's all for now! I'm going to watch Miss USA. :)
