Wow, a lot can happen in only a couple weeks of finding out we're pregnant. Last week I had ANOTHER doctors appt to get some more blood test results. I found out that my thyroid is now UNDER active, awesome. If you don't remember, I used to have an overactive thyroid after having the twins and then it went back to normal over a year ago, and now it's under active. So this can be dangerous for the baby's development, so they have me on some pills for that. By the way the pills have to be taken an hour before eating breakfast, so I instantly feel sick in the mornings with having an empty stomach for an hour! Oh and it's 2 hours if i'm going to eat dairy. So I don't eat dairy obviously. He also wanted to talk to me about my iron and how it keeps dropping, i'm not the best at taking iron pills for those who have taken them before understand. But this time he was worried being pregnant and having it keep going down. So he said if it keeps dropping i'll have to get a blood transfusion. I'm on a huge load of iron now. I have to get my blood done once a month for the thyroid to see how my levels are. That appointment was crappy and that day was hard. I'm not one to stress until I have too, but I was stressed, overwhelmed, and worried. Within one week, I found out I was pregnant, have hypothyroidism, which could affect the baby, and might have to get a blood transfusion. That's a lot to take in in a week! I was pretty much a mess that day.
I was also starting to feel SO tired lately, so I was completely worn out. Now I know why i'm exhausted 24/7! I could sleep all day and still feel tired. I have no hope with all those problems, they all cause exhaustion. PLUS i'm now on Diclectin which also makes me super tired. I had a 10 and 1/2 hour sleep on Sunday night and still had a good nap that day, and could have went to bed at like 6pm. Dustin has been amazing. Seriously. He was finished work on Thursday so since then I have done nothing and he has been doing everything. I haven't been throwing up, but just feeling sick enough to have to lay down a lot. I'm waiting for either this Diclectin to work or for it to get worse, because my last two pregnancies I got REALLY sick around 8 weeks. I'm praying that doesn't happen. I feel so guilty, and feel like i'm such a bad mom and wife and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm insanely blessed having a husband like Dustin. He gets up with the kids in the morning gets them breakfast and lets me sleep. He leaves for school around 8 (I think) ha, i'm usually still sleeping when he leaves, and then luckily my girls just watch a movie or play until I get enough energy to get out of bed. He cleans, cooks, does laundry, puts them to bed, all the jobs of both parents into one. Makes me realize how much work being a parent is though! I sure love him and I can tell how much he cares that I feel miserable and wants me to feel better again. He is great.
I hate being high maintenance and needy, so it's been really hard on me that way too. I just want this next month or two to fly by so I can feel normal again. The thyroid meds take a couple weeks to kick in, and the iron I think takes a couple months for it to effect your levels, and Diclectin, who knows. But the exhaustion from pregnancy doesn't help either. I have everything going against me for having energy!! Oh and the moodiness, I SO remember it with my other two pregnancies and it's already started. Poor Dustin. I get annoyed so easily, and it's weird because I feel so different but i'm not doing anything! We watched Backup Plan last night, and in it he asks his pregnant girlfriend "are you still in there?" and she says "yes i'm still here". That's exactly how I feel!!!! Like i'm miserable, whiny, tired, annoyed, and sick but somewhere in here I think it's me.
I feel so bad for the girls, but I do sit on the floor a lot and just play with them to give them some attention. I feel like I already have to give up all my attention to them and i'm barely pregnant! I know it'll get better, and this is the hard part, but I want it to be over now. I'm ready to just feel fatter and that's it.
As my family always says, "this too shall pass," and it will. In the meantime, i'll just lay on the couch a lot, ok? Sounds good to me.
We are hoping to go south this weekend. Britt needs to have her baby because we planned the shower for Saturday! ha. If not it'll be pushed to next weekend. It would be nice for this weekend instead so Dustin wouldn't have to miss any school, but we'll just wait and see! I'll have to take all my maternity clothes back that I let her borrow, and she's lending me all her clothes too. I love having sisters!
Well that's all the whining for now. By the way, I still don't think i'm pregnant, even with all this going on. I still haven't wrapped my mind around it. Last 2 times, I was into reading up on what's happening with the baby, what I should and shouldn't be doing, I knew everything. My whole mindset was on pregnancy. This time, not so much, I think it'll hit when my stomach starts growing maybe? The constant reminders of wanting to puke help though!