Sunday, June 28, 2009

The weekend

These are just random pictures of this weekend. Dustin cleaned up our basement and brought a swing upstairs that a friend lent us so that we could return it. The girls were all over it. They have a thing for climbing on each other lately.

Jayci loved the swing a lot...I guess it brought back the times of sleeping in the swings. I know i'd be out cold if I could lay in a swing.

I know we were a little late on getting the carseats but Presley wasn't even 20lbs so I wasn't too concerned, even though they are one already. I just put it off I guess, besides the ones we wanted were out of stock forever so we just got these ones last weekend because I didn't want to wait any longer. But here they are and we love them!

This weekend I was exhausted, like really exhausted. I even started running and I went on Saturday morning at 6am with some girls, and I was wiped after! I couldn't even function so I decided to lay down on the couch and of course I fell asleep. I tried to fight it but I told Kyla to get the babies some cheerios, but only a few... well I woke up to this...

Let's get a closer look shall we, oh and I love Kyla in the picture. She has to be in every picture so she jumped in at the last second. It was worth it eh?

We also went boating Saturday afternoon for the rest of the day with our friends on their boat. It was cold, really cold. Well it was nice for a couple hours but then it wasn't so hot, it was only about 20C and that is not hot enough for me especially with the water up here. I was a wus and got in the water to go wakeboarding and froze to my bones and got right out. I didn't even have then energy to pull myself up cuz I was so frozen! I am a baby and I HATE being cold. Besides it was like 8pm at that time! That's not exactly the hottest time of the day!

This is the best picture of Dustin I could get. I wanted to get one of his flips so bad but the camera delayed way to long EVERY time. Stupid camera, he also got way more air than this but this is the only picture of his jumps, so i'll have to try again next time. Thanks Jeff and Chelsie!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tired girl

I was making my letters at the kitchen table and Kyla was falling asleep on the floor watching a movie. I don't like to let her fall asleep or else she stays up until like 10:00. So I bribed her with a freezee to wake her up, so here she is eating it...

Monday, June 22, 2009

THIS is luxury

Dustin did a side job for a guy in our ward and the night he finished he called me from his house and asked me this question, "Do we want cash or a 52" flat screen TV?" I said "For real? cash!" We have never been into the whole electronic/technology stuff. We don't really care about HD, or blueray or big tv's and we don't own any gaming systems. (and never will, maybe a Wii cuz it keeps the kids active at least and its fun) We do want to upgrade to nice 42" tv, but not right now. We bought our 32" when we got married and it's been fine so far.
SO, he came home and the guy was going to drop off the money and told us we can have the tv also. I was a little hesitant cuz I hate second hand stuff, not that i'm stuck up in that way but most of the time things break down and it's better to buy it new in the first place. Although we have had some good stuff given to us. Besides why would he just give it to us even though Dustin chose the money? So in Dustin hauled our beauty. Here are the amazing features that came with it (don't get too jealous now!)

-I no longer need to worry about adding cute decor to our empty area because it takes up the entire wall
-It tells you when you have been watching too much tv! It just shuts right off! smart.
-We don't need to go to the theater cuz this thing is huge and you can see it from any angle of the house
-And get this, it's got the 3D built right into it! You don't even need those special glasses! It comes a goes though so we have to enjoy it while it's on. It's a teaser!
-Last but not least, last night I went to turn it on and it clicked on for half a second and then shut right off. It died! A week of pure bliss and now it's over. HALLELUAH!! Off to the dump we go...Now please give me back my TV.

I didn't even take the time to clean it, I guess I have some sort of "gift". I knew it wouldn't last long, I hate it when i'm right. Dang eh.
Oh and thats our tv on the floor, just for comparison....So does anyone want a tv? We won't charge you lots. Promise.

oh there is a great giveaway on mormon mommy blogs go check it out!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Best friends and Summer!

Kyla and Emma are 3 weeks apart in age and are different in every way but they sure love eachother. They definately have had a love hate relationship over the past year but lately they have been so close and love to play with eachother. It's so cute when she asks to play with her or if she is coming to the park when we go. We have done quite a bit with them lately. It's so nice to have family up here and i'm so glad they are planning on staying 10 more years. I tell ya Fort Mcmurray is like crack, it's addicting! Except they get to build a house! While i'm stuck in my townhouse, which is cute i'm not complaining but we are outgrowing I told her i'll just live through her while I help her make all the decisions on colors, flooring, decorating... everything I would give my life for to do! I will get my house someday, and in the meantime I guess it's a bonus I get to see what I do and don't want in our house when we build.
Anyways, we bought a pool for Jayci and Presley for their birthday so we set it up and Kyla loves it. I haven't even took the babies in it yet! I usually go out with Kyla while they nap, it's just easier that way so I don't have 3 drowing children!
So the other night I was just chillin around doing nothing, (i'm good it) and I walked into my kitchen and looked out my kitchen window and found the entire neighbourhood of kids playing in our pool! What the! I went out and kicked em out. A few hours later I hear voices coming from the backyard "So this is your friends house?".... "ya, it is" A few of the kids decided to return and bring some more friends and thought it be okay to play in the pool again, I wasn't so nice this time, I even made a kid cry! aha oops. I have a problem with the kids in our little community and I was not having it become a community pool.... UNLESS....I could charge... $5 per kid to swim for about 10 minutes! It's like working from home! But I don't have to do anything! Maybe I will get to build my house....
Anyways here are the pictures.

We have a weekly mom and tots group in the ward and this week was at the spray park, it was a great turn out!

Mostly everyone, some left a little earlier

Presley all worn out, and the only picture I got of either of them. I know bad mom. Next time.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The girls pictures!!!

I got Jayci and Presley's one year and Kyla's 3 year pictures done all at once and I am so glad I did. We did have to go twice because of weather but man it was worth it!! These are some of my favorites. I seriously could put all of them on here!! Trust me there were way more! Thank you so much Mackenzie!! I love you!


This picture is priceless, it reminds me of the olden days where they couldn't smile, it's awesome!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

My list

I couldn't come up with a clever title for this list. I have been thinking a lot about goals and things I want to do. I came across a friend of mine's blog who made a 101 in 1001 list. She wants to do 101 things in the next 1001 days. It was more intense things such as things on a bucket list. But for now I want to accomplish smaller things. I keep saying I want to do things but now I am going to do them. My timeline is to have all this done by next year. Some will take longer of course but I CAN DO IT!! So this is what I came up with. It was hard and it made me realize I need to have more goals in life. I challenge you to make one as well and keep us updated on how well you do. It's great motivation!
So here it goes

1. Take a dance class
2. Get a professional camera
3. Continue exercising daily and get an awesome bod
4. Read and STUDY the book of mormon with Dustin
5. Get a new vehicle
6. Get super busy with my business
7. Grow out my hair (past my boobs, that‘s my goal)
8. Buy a house
9. Take a course in school, maybe correspondence
10. Go on a real vacation
11. Pay off all our debt
12. Make bedding and quilts for all 3 girls
13. Make curtains or just get curtains
14. Get a bedroom furniture set and duvet cover
15. Take a baking/cooking class
16. Get quads
17. Become completely organized and have a spot for everything
18. Touch someone with teaching
19. Make a difference somehow
20. Get Dustin his truck
21. Get a wardrobe makeover
22. Own tons of shoes
23. Go see New moon (in the theatre)
24. Don’t get pregnant
25. Play a sport
26. Organize all our toys and throw half of them away
27. Go to Edmonton for a weekend without the kids (anyone wanna babysit??)
28. Make so many more friends
29. Do a lot more crafts
30. Have tons and tons of fun times with the Dustin and the girls!

now your turn!
ps: does anyone know how to center my picture? I am usually pretty computer smart but I can't figure it out.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jayci's walking

So we finally caught it on video of her walking. Not the best but it works for now! She has been going everywhere, she takes about 7 steps really good. She also can stand up all by herself now which is awesome.
There is also another video that I just thought was cute. I was sitting on the couch and looked down and this is what I saw. Luckily I had the camera beside me. What a good big sister, she loves her baby sisters.

These videos took FOREVER to upload

Friday, June 05, 2009

Time for a comparison!

I was going through my really old posts from like 2007 and when I was pregnant with the twins and it was so crazy to think that was over a year ago. With all my belly pictures and all our trials that came with that pregnancy, I can't believe we got through it in one piece! If you want to read about it, just go click on the 2008 posts. Anyways I found this picture of Kyla in the tub with Emma and I thought it was a good way to see if they look like her. It's a good comparison one cuz her hair is wet and it looks like she doesn't have any. So tell me what ya think!

So this is Kyla eating her 1st bday cake, and she is making pretty much the same concentration face as the girls! Don't mind her hair she had a clip in the top of it and we took it out for cake. It depresses me how much hair she has compared to the girls! I WANT pigtails!! Maybe someday....
This is Presley
This is Jayci, not as good as Presley's face but close enough

This is Kyla and Emma

This is Jayci (left) and Presley (right)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Just for your information

I heard from someone, I think it was my sister, that you can print off your blog into a journal and I just so happened to be going through The Cutest Blog on the Block and on their own blog they were talking about it and they found this site that will do it for you, and it's pretty cute! You can preview it and go through it page by page to see what it'll look like before you order it to see if you like it. I just don't want to do it because i'm always adding to my blog! I guess you could do it in years, depending on how often you blog. I have like years on this thing! As most of you know my blog is more of a journal so I definately want to try this...eventually. Just thought you'd like to know!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Presley and Jayci are ONE!

On May 27th Presley and Jayci turned One! I can't believe it's been a year since they were born. We have had such an awesome, yet eventful year. We had a bit of a rough start but we made it through and now we have the best little one year olds keeping us on our toes all day. Yes it's busy and yes it can have it's stressful moments, but I rarely let it get to me because this is my life and I want to enjoy every chaotic minute of it! They are only babies once and what life would it be if it wasn't crazy with twins and a toddler! It also helps to have an amazing husband to help me. I've just learned to accept it from the day we found out that we were expecting twins. If you want to read about them being born go here!

They look like little old men here, so tiny.

They were 4 weeks old here, still so tiny.
Jill and I took this picture and there are no words for how awesome it is. So close already, it melts my heart.
So, I was trying to figure out how to do this post because I didn't want it to be super long but I want to share what the girls have been up to. So I loved the way Kelsey did her post on Norah, it was so much easier to read rather than paragraph after paragraph so I hope she doesn't mind that she was my inspiration here! So here is the babies latest and greatest accomplishments!

-They both love to feed themselves and don't like to be fed, which is messy and way funner of course! They LOVE bananas, and any other fruit
-Presley is my dainty eater and eats one things at a time, and Jayci will shove fist fulls at a time in her mouth. I can give Presley bigger things because she'll bite them whereas Jayci will shove the whole thing in and pretty much choke on it.
-They don't get any sugar, I was the same way with Kyla and will be with all my kids. I am very anal about what they get to eat and I follow the book when it comes to what they should and shouldn't have. Birthday cake was an acception of course.
-They love their sippy cups and drink out of them really well now, they are on homo milk all day for naptimes and bedtimes. We just need to work on at night when they wake up. They still wake every once in a while and the only thing that'll get them back to sleep is nursing, i'm ok with that for now. I think they'll grow out of it. Presley wouldn't even nurse last night, I pretty much had to try like 10 times before she would even latch, and she didn't want her milk and was freaking out, so really to calm her down I had to.
-Love snacks, the little gerber star snacks are their favorite and we go through those like we go through diapers! They also love mum mums, cherrios and muffins.

-They are having 2 naps a day, morning at around 9am, and afternoon at around 1:30. They go to bed at 7pm and usually sleep until 7ish, lately it's been more 6:30 thanks to Kyla waking up at that time. It's been fun.
-They go to bed really well, we just lay them in their beds with their milk and sometimes we hear them yelling and talking to eachother but eventually they die out.

-They both are crusing along furniture or anything they can walk along. Jayci is standing all by herself and yesterday took two steps from me to Dustin! I think she'll be taking off anyday. Presley is always a week or two behind Jayci and I was told that is so common with twins.
-They love peek a boo and play with eachother all the time on anything they can, around the couches, toys, table and chairs, with blankets, in their cribs etc. I keep trying to catch it on video but everytime I do I miss it. They just laugh and laugh at eachother. It is the cutest thing.
-They both can wave hi and bye, clap hands, give kisses, go up stairs, not down yet. They can put their balls in the toys where they are supposed to go, they figured that out on their own.
-They are starting to copy things we do, it's taken them a little longer to do this. I remember Kyla at like 6 months copying us. It's hard not to compare but obviously I don't worry about it being premature AND twins.
-They both love when I play with them on the floor. I'll crawl back and forth across the room really fast and they'll chase me, they love it. As always they also love playing with Kyla and she loves playing with them.

Well i'm sure there is a lot more but I can't think right now. That's most of it anyways. I want to post about their birthday. We had it on Sunday with Jill and Travis and their kids. I didn't want it to be a big thing with tons of people. Most of our family doesn't live here anyways so we just had us and it was perfect. I wish it wasn't pouring because I really wanted to have fun in the backyard with the kids. Here are some pictures! (ok maybe a little more than some)

This doesn't have anything to do with the birthday but I had to put it on. We bought Kyla a new t-ball set and she is a natural. Dustin threw it to her and she hit it everytime! She doesn't even need the T, must take after her mom eh!
Big girls waiting to open presents. Jayci is in white, Presley in pink

awesome sun glasses anutie Jill bought them with the cutest outfits that will be saved for another photo shoot! Love them.
We're One!!

My cupcakes. I was going to make two little fondant cakes but I didn't want them to get sick from it and besides fondant doesn't taste the best plus it was too much work, so I made cupcakes and an angle food cake.Happy Birthday!! Jayci on left, Presley on right

Presley couldn't get enough of her cupcake, she ate every crumb!
Jayci, not so much! She didn't like it on her fingers and she cried when she touched the cake part of it. So she used one finger to pick of the icing and then she was done!
Kyla and Emma, best cousins for life!
