So since i've been lacking on the blogging bit, here is some random stuff to bore yourself with. Well the twins (
which I never call them the twins, it's always babies) are rolling over everywhere! Finally! They have taken FOR-EVA to do something so yay for them! Hey it's not easy being a twin and premature. It has taken them just a bit longer to do things which the doctor told me to expect being they were 7 weeks prem. It doesn't bother me i'm just even more excited now when they do acomplish something new. Also yes they are still BALD, no... k i'm lying, they have peachfuzz! But I do love it, it is very kissable and they are still so dang cute! Dustin loves how bald our kids are too. They have started eating solids, but slowly very slowly. They gag on everything! I've tried all the beginner foods, and even tried banana rice cereal and they hate it all. They do love the regular beginner rice cereal though so i've just been giving them that so they get some sort of diet in. I am still nursing them too so that I know they are getting the best food if anything! Honestly if you have any tips on how to transition food better please let me know cuz my kids are starting aneorexia at a young age! I also think they are starting to get teeth. Jayci has little white spots that kind of look like "buds" but who knows. We always thought Kyla was teething (
or we just wanted something to blame her cranky moments on) but she finally got her first tooth at 10 months old and she just got her last 2 year molar in. The dentist said it's fine she'll just be a tad late loosing them. Normally kids loose them at 6 years and she might be 6 and a half. Anywho...Jayci has been pretty fussy this week so i'm hoping it's that. Well Dustin is back to work and i'm back to my regular mom routine, if it's even called a routine. These kids are becoming more high maintenance as the days pass. I guess thats what I get for having girls eh! They like to break us in early. Oh well. So our days mainly consist of trying to all be happy and make it through alive! Well me mostly, and lately Kyla is a lucky one to be living too. She has been lacking in the lsitening department. What do I do? other than beat her?.... I've thought of that don't worry. She like knows when she drives me nuts and does these little pesty things to you. Oh and she LOVES to be the BOSS! Especially to her other kids, it's cute and most the time she is right when she's telling them what to do but I need to teach her about why mommy's and daddy's exist! (
and that's to boss the kids around!) I do love her to pieces don't worry but I want my sweet little girl to always be here, and to get rid of this little devil child in her. I know I was a bossy little runt as a kid I guess this is payback! I do notice the more attention (and less time on the computer) I give her she is happier. I guess it's partially my fault but somedays I need ME time. I don't even know if it's suppose to be an option after you have kids to have me-time. Meh! Well as I said this is a random post with boring random stuff for me to bore you with! So take it all in! Well i'm super excited for the Bachelor tonight!! go Jason. I liked him a lot in the Bachelorette and Dustin loved Jessie, of course cuz he is a snowboader. Every show Dustin would be just as into it as I was cuz he wanted Jessie to win. Honestly if he could of married Jessie, I think he would of....shh don't tell him I told you this. ha. We also got to watch Desperate Houswives last night, the best show in the world. Dustin is also very into that show with me, but can you guess why? Two words... Eva Longoria. She is georgous and the envy of every woman out there. But we have been watching that show together since the first season. We love it. The other shows i'm excited for is Grey's Anatomy, 90210, and Priveleged. Who knows there is probably 3 or 4 more i'll get into. I usually do. I was also noticing the True Beauty one where they think it's about modeling or something but they are really being judged on their inner beauty, it's also on tonight. Now I just need digital cable so I can record and watch them whenever I can. It took us 4 hours to watch the new Batman the other night, we started it at 7 and ended at 11pm! Thanks to our wonderful kids we had to pause it a million and one times! We rent movies and they are always at least a week late cuz it takes us so long to watch them, some times we never even get too! Well I think thats enough of my rambling....hope you enjoyed that waste of time. (
I did!) ;) Oh and Happy New Year!