I decided to dedicate this post to my daughter and her ability to constantly amaze us! It started on January 1st, Dustin was in the kitchen cooking supper and I was sick on the couch (as usual.) Dustin and I got Kyla a potty for Christmas to start her interest in it, really not expecting anything to happen right away. Well I was in the bathroom and Kyla said "potty" well I figured why not give it a try. So I stripped her down and sat her on it, well she said "mommy out" over and over and started to push me out of the bathroom. So out I went, I guess she wants her privacy! Well I had to come lay down cuz I was so sick and I asked Dustin to check on her. He went in and she said "daddy out!" and pushed him out. So a couple minutes later Kyla came walking out of the bathroom saying "pee! pee!" Dustin went in and she did! She peed in her potty all by herself! Since then she has gone about 6-7 times, a couple she barely missed cuz she is so persistant on having us out and worries so much about making sure we are out. It's quite funny. Well she is now to the point where tonight she said "potty" and started to take her sleeper off. So I took her in, she said "mommy out," closed the door, and then she went! I am amazed at how easy this child is making it for us! I never expected it this early, but I will sure take it. The trouble during the day is I get so tired that sometimes my patience isn't very high to wait for her and make sure she doesn't pee all over. I think she is getting it though and the rest should be pretty easy...I hope. I think maybe she is such an easy girl so when we have these twins we won't know what hit us! She is also talking like crazy, and can pretty much say anything. The other day she all of the sudden started pernouncing her 's' and 'l' I have no idea how she does it, she just learns so fast and remembers EVERYTHING! She is so entertaining and I love to play with her cuz she is so smart and just so much fun. I can't wait for her to be our big helper when these babies come.
I have my first appointment since finding out we were having twins on Monday, so i'm excited and hopefully our ultrasound the same week. I'll keep you posted!
Here she is telling us to get out and trying to shut the door. So funny
She is saying "pee!" in this picture, and wanting to point to it.
Here's my big girl on her potty!